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How many lifts are in the ski area of Krimml – Zillertal Arena?

In the ski area of Krimml there are 60 lifts:

  • 14 T-bars
  • 20 chairlifts
  • 14 gondolas
  • 12 children's lifts

How many kilometres of slopes are in the ski area of Krimml – Zillertal Arena?

The ski area of Krimml – Zillertal Arena offers 150 kilometres of slopes in all levels of difficulty: 

  • 50 km easy (blue piste)
  • 88 km intermediate (red piste)
  • 12 km difficult (black piste)

Trail map Krimml - Zillertal Arena

Current trail map Krimml - Zillertal Arena

As of: 2020/2021

When does the season start in Krimml - Zillertal Arena?

Winter season: 02. Dec. - 14. Apr. 2024
Opening hours: daily 8.30 am - 4.30 pm


TVB Krimml
5743 Salzburg - Krimml
Salzburg - Österreich

Phone: +43 6564 7239-0
Fax: +43 6564 7239-14