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Webcams nearby Münsingen - Schwäbische Alb

Where is Münsingen?

Münsingen is a town in Baden-Württenmberg. Located between Reutlingen and Ulm, it forms the centre of the Neckar-Alb region. Embedded in the Swabian Alb biosphere reserve, Münsingen is the most sustainable tourist destination in Germany.  

What is the Weather Like in Münsingen?

It is always a pleasure to explore this region with friends or family, especially if the weather is fine. You want to get informed about the weather situation of today, tomorrow or the weekend? So check our live webcam to get all the information you need: weather, climate, current temperature in Münsingen, forecast for the next five days, rain, snow or sunshine.

[Translate to 01_EN:] ©Stadt Münsingen
[Translate to 01_EN:] ©Stadt Münsingen

What's the Elevation of Münsingen?

Located at an elevation of 700 m above sea level Swabian Alb and Große Lauertal Valley form a so-called biosphere reserve. Due to its geological conditions and the many innovative projects in the fields of agriculture, forestry, tourism and environment Münsingen at the Swabian Alb is the first reserve of this kind in Baden-Württemberg. 

Numerous romantic castles and ruins are scattered in the surroundings of Münsingen. Follow one of the various trails that lead from the Offenhausen spring to the mouth of the river at Lauterach and do not hesitate to explore one of the twenty castles and ruins along the way.  An excursion through the Große Lauter Valley is very attractive for kids and adults. Feel like a real knight or a maiden and get enchanted by the medieval atmosphere evoked by the old walls of the castles and ruins.  Do not miss to visit Buttenhausen Castle: enjoy a family-friendly tour leading from Michaelis Church and the Jewish Cemetery up to Kappelberg and the neo-classical castle of the Barons of Weidenbach.  

In the 15th century shepherds came to operate the underused fields and acres of the Swabian Alb. Since that time flocks of sheep have shaped the characteristic appearance of the countryside.    

What's Going On in Münsingen?

Every year on the first of May the city hosts the international old car and steam-engine festival - a very popular event in Münsingen. Up to 600 exhibitors invite friends to marvel at motorcycles, steam-engines and vintage cars. The oldest items were constructed in 1924. 

Another attraction is the Müsingen city festival, which is organised every year and takes place in the historic town centre. The market place with its original frame houses is the ideal place for this family-friendly event. 

[Translate to 01_EN:] ©Carmen_Boergmann
[Translate to 01_EN:] ©Carmen_Boergmann

Swabian Alb Railway

The Swabian Alb Railway is a very well-known attraction in this area. In 2000 the City of Münsingen acquired the old station, which is a listed cultural monument.  After the renovation an information centre for nature and tourism was opened and the tourist train service of the Swabian Alb Railway started its operation. 

Historic rail cars run on Sundays and public holidays from May 1st to mid-October. The Swabian Alb Railway links Ulm and Münsingen as well as Münsingen and Engstingen. 

Attractions in Münsingen?

Explore the realm that was created 100 years ago and has not changed until today. The “albgut” is a place of life, feast, dreams and meditation. The 72-hectare large “Alte Lager” is located in the centre of Swabian Alb biosphere reserve and was constructed by King William II of Württemberg. The listed area with its vast parks and buildings can be still visited in its original condition.